Dr. Margot Duley, dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, called it the "worst kept secret," but although Donna Schaub had been tipped off, she was still thrilled to be celebrated as the August 2008 Employee of the Month.
Donna, who works as the assistant to the dean in the College of LAS, was named Employee of the Month during her "surprise" party on Tuesday afternoon in the Public Affairs Center Restaurant.

Margot noted the tremendous range of duties Donna completes, scheduling more than 500 courses a semester, taking care of faculty appointments in the largest college at UIS and supervising all of the civil service staff in the college.
"The thing that everyone enjoys about Donna is her unfailing good humor, her comprehensive knowledge of university regulations and her general groundedness," she said. "She is an extraordinary human being to work with."
What stands out most, however, is the "incredible role she plays in cementing us all together as a team," Margot said.
"Her office is the prime screen closet for every frustration, her humor and calmness get us on an even keel, and she plays the role of the college Dear Abby, giving advice about life and romance," Margot laughed. "But that's not all. She is the dispenser of candy and treats. And then finally, she is a fountainhead of trivia of Cardinals baseball. And she does all of this and more against background of constant interruption."
The College presented Donna with a gift of mini Cardinals baseball bat, and she expressed her gratitude for the nomination.
"Thank you for this honor. I love working here and I work with the best people; they have been supportive and so strong for me in these past years which haven't been so good (personally)," she said. "This really means a lot to me. I appreciate all of you."