She was warned by her supervisors that if she continued to work hard, be responsible and helpful and represent the Chancellor's office with dignity, someone would notice. And that proved to be an accurate prediction.

"I have to say I told you so!" said Dr. Maggie Noe, associate chancellor for the Office of Access and Equal Opportunity, with a laugh. "It was inevitable that this day would arrive."
Donna is a staff secretary for the offices of Access and Equal Opportunity and UIS Legal Counsel. As such, she interacts with students, parents of students, faculty, staff and other campus community members regarding affirmative action, equal opportunity, legal issues and anything else that comes her way.
"She is a very deserving recipient of the Employee of the Month. She is a caring, compassionate, competent employee whose commitment to UIS and her own high standards never wavers," Maggie said. "She is a dynamic and dedicated employee, and she is admired and respected by her colleagues. Thank you for everything you do, Donna, in making UIS a very special place."

Donna said she was grateful for the honor. Her husband, Jeff, who also works at UIS, was one of the many on hand to help her celebrate her achievements.
"I know this has probably been said quite a few times but I really believe it: I couldn't do my job as well as I do or enjoy it as much as I do without dedicated and helpful friends that I'm surrounded with, and I really do appreciate all of you," Donna said. "Thank you for sharing this with me today."